What is SEO and how does it work?

What is SEO, meaning, full form, how to do, website (Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (How to do blog seo, how it works, full form)

I learned SEO from my experience, and I have written SEO Tips for the benefit of other bloggers like me, as well as I have shared my experiences with you from the beginning to the present so that those who don’t repeat the mistakes I made.

What is SEO and how to do it?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, a digital marketing technique that focuses on enhancing your website’s rank in search results on search engines like Google. Are you just starting off with SEO? You’ve come to the right place. To make sure that others do not experience the same difficulties I had, I posted SEO tips on my blog today. Read the post to learn what every digital marketer should know about SEO.

What is SEO

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is a web mining tool that helps people get the best results for their searches on search engines, regardless of what they are looking for. When a user searches for particular keywords, an SEO tool provides a list of results.:

  • Products you sell.
  • Services you provide.
  • Information on topics in which you have expertise or experience.

SEO searches web pages for this, then selects the best result, which is called as indexing the page, and for this, SEO uses robots / bots and spiders.

  • A crawl visits each site and page, which selects sites using hypertext links and indexes the pages.
  • In such a way index pages remains at one place.
  • Once indexing is done, the result is shown based on the user’s query, with the most appropriate result provided by matching the query’s keyword with the index pages.

Learn about GoogleAI Bard

SEO Tips

If you have a talent and understanding of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you may earn money from home by writing in a way that your blog gets recognized by Google and readers find it easily during the search to read. To do this, you must first understand SEO, and as a rule, some important details must be included in your post while writing it. If you do this, your site’s traffic will improve and more and more visitors will come to it, which will lead to a higher rating for your site.

Importance Of SEO

If you want to rank your website on Google and attract traffic to it, SEO is the most important aspect for you to consider because whatever Google users look for, if it is on your website, you will benefit from it, but if it is not your website will not be able to rank. Because of this, SEO plays an important role for your website.

Search Engine Optimization Overview

By the way, each search engine has its own algorithm for optimizing results; a fundamental notion is provided below. Finally, let us explain how SEO works in three stages:


Crawling is the first step in indexing a web page, in which the web spider visits and indexes the hypertext pages.


Indexing is the collection, processing, and storage of data from whichever web pages are indexed during crawling, so that similar data is stored together. These index pages are used to select pages.


When a user inputs a query into a search engine, the matching process begins, in which the SEO tool goes to the index pages and matches the data according to the query’s keywords, giving a list of web pages from which He chooses from the meta description contained in the web pages. This entire procedure is known as matching. This was a brief introduction to SEO, in which you can see how an SEO responds with a user’s query, but the entire process is robotic, for which some algorithms are utilized, and any search engine’s algorithms are always changing.

So far, we’ve discussed how search engines respond to a user’s query, but if you’re a blogger and want to see your site in the top themes, then you have to follow some strategy.

How to do SEO?

Your website should be atleast 6 months old and its process of crawling, indexing and matching should be done properly then only there will be high chances that your website will come quickly in the search engine, for which you should follow the following rules.

Site Speed:

Page speed is the time it takes for content on a certain webpage to load. The faster the site operates, the better; for this, the framework is the best to employ. People used to utilize blog posts before moving on to WordPress, and now a new framework, Genesis wordpress, has arrived, whose pace is much faster and the results are many times better.

Choose a writing area

You will eventually learn how to select a topic for your writing that interests you and is also read by the audience. Try to pick a topic where you may help someone because this is a topic that is frequently searched. As you have selected the niche related to travelling.

Create URL

The URL is the most important because it is the reason your website is crawled, so select it carefully and include your keywords in the URL.


Now take out a short word from the selected area, like in today’s news related to travelling, travelling is more searched, so your keyword will be luggages, flights. This is how you select your keywords.

Use of keywords

Do not overuse keywords, use them often. Since search engine optimization is a robotic process with no human feel, the only way a search engine can determine the topic on which a website is focused is through keywords. Because of this, keywords and URLs are created after a lot of consideration.

Keyword importance in data

  • URL contains keywords
  • Keyword should be in title and sub title
  • Keyword in image name
  • Keyword should be included in headings and tags
  • Keyword in meta tag & meta description0

Blog length

The more detail you provide, the better your blog will be. Therefore don’t compromise on blog writing. Keep the following points in mind when writing the blog.

  • Decide your goal.
  • Define your target audience.
  • Create sub title in blog.
  • Express yourself in points
  • Concentrate on search intent
  • Use clear, uncomplicated words to convey things.

Create heading

Try to include keywords in subheadings. Create subheadings inside the data so that you may explain your point in detail while also making it easy for the audience to read. Subheadings should be colored differently. Make headers and key words bold and italic.

Create external link

You should include at least one external link in your blog. Put a popular website link on your website, but it will only be effective if you include it in material that is linked to it.

Create backlinks

Links on other websites that point to a page on your website is called backlinks. For putting the URL of your site on another good site, you can request them or you can comment in their comment box and enter the URL of your page.

Add links to related pages

Put a link of your own site in your page, it connects the site internally, which helps in crawling and search engines find it easier to index the page. This process is called grouping.

Add comment

Write your posts such that readers feel compelled to leave comments in order to increase the number of comments you receive and your post’s success.

Maintain regularity

Consistency is the most important factor. Have a plan for how many blog articles will be published on the site each month and work in accordance with that plan since it impacts the site’s ranking. It doesn’t matter if you publish an article in a day or two; just be sure that you follow the decision you made.

Update data

Regularly add fresh information to the old blog and update it. It will help your website to get a good impression in google search engine.

Connect with social website

Create a page for your website on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus etc. because there are higher possibilities of getting regular readers from the social website itself, this is the simple and easy technique to promote the website.

Meta description

Create a meta description for your blog in which you give a brief overview of it in between 50 to 150 words. This makes it simple for SEO to match.

Meta keywords

Put the unique ten to fifteen important keywords of your blog in the meta keywords.

Learn how to select niche for blog

Types of SEO

Generally SEO is of 3 types On Page SEO, Off Page SEO & Technical SEO. All types of SEO are very important for any website. Where on-page SEO makes the site strong on Google, off-page SEO strengthens the backup of the site & technical SEO help improve organic rankings. The most important thing on the site is to increase the traffic and for that there are important factors which are very important to take care of and that is on page, off page & technical SEO. Let us know how do they work

On Page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing individual web pages to raise their search engine ranks and get more targeted traffic. We write similar content and post it on our website after conducting research on some keywords connected to the topic for which we are preparing our site. According to SEO on the website, we must also make a few changes in order to set up the contacts and get them ready to rank in Google. To generate organic traffic to a website, on-page optimization is necessary.

On-Page SEO Factors

Some important factors to set the on page of the website :-

  • Website design :- Website design matters a lot in on-page setting. According to Google’s algorithm, your website’s design should be relatively simple and focused on your topic.
  • Website structure :- The structure of your website shows what subject your website is related to, so prepare the structure of your website well to tell Google about your website so easily your website starts ranking in Google.
  • Website speed :- Your website’s speed should also be superb because it impacts the on-page setting. For your website to rank well in Google and get organic traffic, it has to load quickly.
  • Mobile friendly website :- For getting organic traffic your website must be mobile friendly because in today’s time everyone uses internet on mobile.Therefore, it is important to make your website mobile friendly.
  • Title tag :- Contact on your website is important, thus it’s important to have a title tag on it that informs Google about your website or blog.
  • Meta description :-Any content or block that tells what is said about a certain page or website of yours should include a meta description. There is a separate option in WordPress site to add meta description and it is added with the help of coding in other sites.
  • Keyword density :- It is important to consider keyword density when creating an on-page setting in any contact. According to the Google algorithm, your site is quickly indexed in Google and can receive organic traffic only once you setting the on-page.
  • URL structure :- The URL structure of your contact page or website should be shown in the on-page setting. The URL indicates which blog post or page on your website and which topic is covered.
  • Internal link :- Your website’s traffic will go from one blog to another by interlinking your blogs, which will help you get more visitors. Interlinking is important for increasing traffic and for optimizing a page.
  • Use heading tag :- Whenever you post a contact in WordPress, you must have seen some heading tags which is also known as header tags. Heading tags are from H1 to H6. Keep the most important section of your information in the H1 tag and put the rest in subsequent H-tags as needed. This will also make your content attractive and improve the readability and SEO of a webpage.
  • Google site map :- A link to your blog or post gets included in the Google site map so that it may be easily identified by Google’s search engine. This allows others to easily access your blog or post.
  • Length of an article :- The number of words in your content counts a lot when it comes to on-page setting. Your content should be about any topic, with all important information in your post. It is required to write a content of at least 2000 – 2500 words in order for your article to be SEO specified.
  • Check broken links :- Sometimes a point or link is missing during the post, resulting in a broken link to your post or block, such links are not indexed by Google, therefore verify the link of the blog or post visiting your website on a regular basis.
  • Google analytics :- Google Analytics for your website is important if you want to learn more about how many people come, which blogs receive more impressions and clicks, and other data.
  • Social media button :- All of the social media sharing buttons should be included on your website’s page so that visitors can simply share your content on their social media accounts after reading it.
  • SEO friendly URL :- Your contact’s URL should be SEO friendly, which means it should be short, simple, and meaningful. In order for them to readily approach the searchers. That is, if someone searches in Google, your Link is simply indexed and reaches the person looking.
  • HTML page size :- If your website is on HTML then it is very important to have page size according to Google algorithm.
  • Security of website :- The security of your website and blog is your responsibility. The security of your website is completely in your hands because there are numerous hackers and haters that might hurt or even ban your website.

All the above mentioned points are important and required for on-page SEO setting. If you work on your website or blog while keeping all of these factors in mind, your website will be featured in Google ranking very soon.

Off Page SEO

Off-page SEO is used to boost your website’s link on Google. Off page SEO is important for every website, and there are many methods to do Off page SEO.

Off Page SEO Factors
  • Guest posting :- The meaning of guest posting means offering good content on another reliable blogger website that is connected to your topic in order to create backlinks to your own website. Your website receives a very strong backlink as a result of this. It is also known as backlinks for your website that are high-quality and sustainable.
  • Blog commenting :- There are several off-page Google sites like this where you may build quality backlinks by commenting on the link to your website.
  • Form posting :- There are many such websites on Google where you can do form posting to promote your website. Such sites crawl your site’s link in Google and quickly reach the top ranking.

Apart from this, there are some other activities which come in off page submission such as – Blog Directory Submission, Search Engine Submission, Classified Submission Site, Video Sharing Site, Photo Sharing Site, Question Answering Site.

By visiting each of these websites, you can promote your blog’s or website’s links and keywords, which gives very good off page backlinks to your website. Google makes it simple to locate websites that are relating to each submission.

SEO Websites

Some websites can help you to increase traffic in your site like –

Social Bookmarking Sites

Off-page backlinks can be created on a few social bookmarking websites to boost your website’s rating on Google.

  • Pinterest :- Pinterest is another excellent social bookmarking platform where you may advertise your website using pictures, and Google swiftly crawls any content you put there.
  • Tumblr :- On this social media site, you can sign up for an account and drive traffic by sharing your posts, blogs, or original ideas. For off-page SEO, this social bookmarking network is the best.
  • Other Social Bookmarking sites :- Off-page SEO for your website may help you raise the domain rating and page authority of your blog or website on sites like LinkedIn, Reddit, stumbleupon, and Delicious.

Social Networking Sites

There are many such platforms of social media where you can do off-page SEO by sharing your blog and website. Some social media sites are as follows-

  • Facebook :- Who doesn’t use Facebook nowadays? You may find people of all ages on Facebook.  Facebook may help you significantly increase traffic to your website and blog. If you share your article or blog on Facebook, you will receive an off-page backlink as well.
  • Twitter :- Twitter is also a good source to get a traffic. Everyone tries to share their thoughts and unique ideas. By promoting their blog or any product on Twitter, many bloggers drive a lot of quality traffic to their websites.
  • Instagram :- Currently Instagram holds a highest engagement of viewers. So sharing your link on stories & post is a best & effective way to get a traffic to your website.
  • Google+ :- Google+ is a social networking site that offers features somewhat similar to Facebook. Some people use it even though few people are aware of it. You may also gain off-page backlinks for your website for free using this platform.

In SEO Tips, I have put all those points which I use in my blog and after which I have seen better results.

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